MAP -- click and zoom campground map
ABOUT -- campground policies and general information (pet policies, quiet hours, check-in/out times, etc.)
NEARBY -- attractions, restaurants and shopping
SOCIAL -- camper initiated games and activities
ALERT -- real-time mobile alert system (pool closings, wildlife sightings, weather warnings, lost pets, etc.)
NOTIFICATIONS -- send direct messages to your camper's mobile devices
Introductory rate of $360 per season (or $30/month) for up to 300 campsites. Add $20/month for each additional 100 campsites.
Includes all the great features in The Kindling PLUS S'MORES...
ACTIVITIES -- mobile access to campground events and activities
EQUIPMENT -- at-a-glance campground loanables (basketballs, horseshoes, kayaks, etc.)
OUTDOORS -- delight your outdoor enthusiasts with hiking and biking trails, swimming and local fishing spots
Introductory rate of $720 per season (or $60/month) for up to 300 campsites. Add $20/month for each additional 100 campsites.
Full Hookups, our deluxe bundle, includes all the features in the Kindling and S'mores bundles PLUS...
NEWS -- share daily camp stories and upcoming sales and promotions
SERVICES -- fully customizable mobile initiated camp services (deliveries of firewood, smores kits, ice, etc.)
CAMP PHOTO SHARE -- Fully integrated with Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
Introductory rate of $1188 per season (or $99/month) for up to 300 campsites. Add $20/month for each additional 100 campsites.
Our starter bundle includes:
About (campground info)
Alert System
Pinch & Zoom Map
Nearby (attractions & more)
Camp Social Game Platform
The Kindling Bundle PLUS:
Campground Activities
Campground Equipment
Outdooor (Hiking, Fishing, Swimming, etc.)
BONUS: Integrate your logo and color theme
Kindling & S'mores Bundles PLUS:
Campground Delivery Services
Campground Photo Share
Camp News and Promotions